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Writing & Research


Arts Activate Grant 


TACA Pop-Up Grant

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The Elevator Project


How to Create an Advocacy Toolkit by Ashlee Sovets and Reyna Mondragon

In this experiential workshop, we are proposing to create an advocacy toolkit as a group in order to share tools for action. The benefit of this workshop will provide communication and networking amongst a group setting, which will create a community that will cultivate different ideas about advocacy in the arts.

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How to Create an Advocacy Toolkit by Ashlee Sovets and Reyna Mondragon

In this experiential workshop, we are proposing to create an advocacy toolkit as a group in order to share tools for action. The benefit of this workshop will provide communication and networking amongst a group setting, which will create a community that will cultivate different ideas about advocacy in the arts.


How Do You Get Your Work Into a Screen dance Festival?

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mixtamotus' debut work #DigitalConnection is a Stunning reflection of life inside our Screen

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